Grey Crossing


Grey Crossing – live video animation for dual wall mounted display exploring the formal aesthetic possibilities found within a complex non-linear system. Inspired by both modernist painting and indigenous weaving, the work consists of 80 discreet states that continuously self-select in random order.  Like related works in the minimalist tradition, Grey Crossing explores a spare set of shapes, colors and kinetic behaviors that are recombined and manipulated to produce a startling complexity of changing variations. A central aesthetic element is digitally generated video noise layered in an endless iteration of rectilinear forms. The common perception of video noise or television snow typically suggests an empty channel where no discernible signal is displayed. In actuality, black and white video noise is a kind of primal electronic material rich with artistic potential, not unlike the earlier medium of charcoal that it evokes. The kinetic image is composed across two synchronous, high-resolution LCD screens.


Helios (ReduxThree)

